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2024 Asian Veterans & Children Fencing Championships in Hong Kong

The 2024 Asian Veterans & Children Fencing Championships in Hong Kong witnessed an extraordinary display of talent, determination and skill from both our veterans and our little warriors!

Veteran Épée Individual Event:

Representing Singapore:

> Cat A Men’s Épée - Edgar Rusev (SGP)

> Cat B Men’s Épée - David Leow (SGP)

> Cat C Men’s Épée - Olivier Lo (SGP)

Representing Malaysia:

> Cat A Women’s Épée - Electra Goh 

We couldn’t be more proud and in awe of our fencers! Our veterans are pathing the way and setting by example of what it truly means that age is just a number, debunking the misconception that age is a barrier in fencing performance! 🤺👏🏼 

Children Épée Individual Event:

Representing Singapore:

Under 10 Boy’s Épée Individual Event:

> Dominic Phey 

> Isaac Lim 

> Kayson Koh

> Trevor Hung

Under 10 Girl’s Épée Individual Event:

> Megan Tjioe

Under 12 Boy’s Épée Individual Event:

> Dominic Phey

> Kayson Koh

> Ng Yu En 

> Rayvin Wan

Under 14 Boy’s Épée Individual Event:

> Alexander Kuo

> Ng Yu En 

> Rayvin Wan

What an eye-opening experience for our Little Warriors! We will definitely come back stronger next year! 💪🏼🔥


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