Men’s Épée Individual Event
Our Men’s Épée Fencers have delivered an exceptional performance at the 2022 Singapore Senior Tournament.

With 6 of our fencers making it to the Top 16, 2 advancing to the Top 8, and 1 securing a place in the Top 4, our team has truly made us proud with their outstanding achievements.
Here are the results:
🥉 Bronze - Julien Kenneth Lim
🏅 6th - Jonas Chan Ze Xian
10th - Dembitz Mark
11th - Tyler Chan
14th - Timothy Sim
16th - Xavier Chan
Women’s Épée Individual Event
Once again, our remarkable girls have taken the arena by storm at the 2022 Singapore Senior Tournament.

Their performances have been nothing short of spectacular, with 6 of our talented fencers reaching the Top 16, 2 advancing to the Top 8, and 1 securing a place in the Top 4.
Here are the results:
🥉 Bronze - Choong Zi Cheng
🏅5th Place - Ashley Mae Harrison
9th - Ona Koning
10th - Sherilyn Phua
11th - Nathlie See Toh
16th - Shiloh Xu
As they continue to excel in their fencing journeys, let's offer our unwavering support and encouragement to our athletes.