The weekend was filled with determination and unwavering spirit as our little warriors took on the challenges of the Under 10 and Under 12 Boy’s Épée Individual Events as well as the Under 12 Boy’s Épée Team Event. Our fencers etched their names in the annals of success, leaving their mark on the competition.
Under 10 Boy’s Épée Individual Event:

🥈Silver - Dominic Phey
🥉Bronze - Raphael Chia
🏅6th Place - Kayson Koh
Big thank you to Big Brother, Rayvin Wan, for supporting and helping his juniors during their events! 😃👍🏼
Under 12 Boy’s Épée Individual Event:

🥇Gold - Gabriel Ng Yu En
🥉Bronze - Wan Xuan Kai Rayvin
🥉Bronze - Jake Cheung
🏅5th Place - Dominic Phey
🏅6th Place - Hill Tay Zhen Yu
Under 12 Boy’s Épée Team Event:

🥇Gold - Team SGF Minions
(Rayvin Wan, Hill Tay, Dominic Phey, Kayson Koh)
The Under 12 Boy’s Épée Team Event brought further cause for celebration as our talented boys demonstrated remarkable teamwork and determination. Despite it being their first ever official team event, our SGF Minions showed true grit, focus and determination in fighting their match against home team Malaysia, where they made a comeback, 36-25, winning their well-deserved gold medals! 💪🏼
Superb Little Warriors:

Our little warriors’ incredible achievements reminded us that with hard work, determination, and team spirit, our fencers can excel on the international stage! Good job little warriors! We are extremely proud of your incredible efforts and achievements! 😍

Special shoutout to our amazing support group of parents! It takes a village to raise a Champion, and our little warriors are truly the luckiest to have you all around supporting them! ❤️